Our congregation is extremely welcoming to children and we love hearing the noise and activity.  New families are welcome to join us at any time. Bringing little children to worship is something like having them eat at the dinner table. Even though their table manners are not like those of grownups, it is done because they are part of the family.

“Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14)

A child in worship is always a blessing, although they might not participate in the same ways adults do. Children do not always sit still or quietly during worship, but they are still capable of listening, singing, praying and giving along with the rest of us. We, as adults, value the presence of children during worship, trusting that they are also learning that:

  • It’s important to come here with their family on Sundays.
  • God loves them and they belong to this special group of people.
  • The sights and sounds of worship are good.
  • Something is expected of them in this place and they are capable of participating through listening, singing, praying and even offering!


   Education Registration        

 Health Form           Consent & Release Form            

Sunday SchoolWelcome to the2023-2024 Sunday School Year! This year we are building a solid foundation with Christ.  Our theme verse is “For we are God’s servants working together.  You are God’s field, God’s building.”- 1 Corinthians 3:9 

Sunday School classes will be in the lower floor of the Education wing from 10:30-11:30 with donuts provided during the class and games and activities and stories from the Bible. Classes will end in the Chapel with some music at 11:30.

Join us as we dig in and explore God’s character throughout the Bible and how we can reflect God’s love in our everyday lives.  We will be using “Dig In’s Heart of God” Sunday School Curriculum to explore these themes as we build a relationship with God. The Remind App is used to send at-home lessons and the Dig-In at Home.

FLY K-6- Wednesdays after school starting Sept. 14, meet up with Ms. Kristy for FLY K-6 for students grades Kindergarten-6th grade. During our time together we have a blast playing games, serving our community, learning about God, and exploring how God’s teachings apply to our daily lives. Kristy will meet the children at Kennedy school and then they will walk over to Roosevelt Park or ride in the church van to church if weather doesn’t permit us to be outside. Snack is provided. Pick up is at 5:00. Children may stay until 5:30 and can ride in the church van to FLC if attending Wednesday Dinner Church with their family. Friends are welcomed to join!

Vacation Bible School- Our joint Fergus Falls ELCA rotating VBS is the last week of July.  Butterflies VBS is for ages 0-5 years and Day Camp with Luther Crest is for grades Kindergarten-6th grade.  VBS is open to all in the community!